Master It Racing Conditions
Keep the car straight across corners, letting the left or right set wheels run over the rumble strip. If you are using a rear-wheel drive car, use the back wheels to bring the car round quicker once you have passed the apex.
When braking on the run up to corners, keep the bike straight. Learn patience on the slower turns; you need to pull back on the power and turn earlier than in a car, as you have to give the bike time to tilt.
Corners need to be taken a gear lower than in dry conditions. Brakes earlier, and apply the throttle slowly. Brake into a slight slide to get the car around when cornering, otherwise the car will understeer.
The same principles apply with the bikes; drop down a gear lower and either gradually ease on the acceleration when exiting the apex, or wait for the bike to straighten before pilling on the power.
Judicious use of the brakes Is necessary. Like in wet conditions, initiate a slide when turning to bring the car around the corner, but only feather it until you are confident you can start accelerating.
You need to start braking well ahead of corners, easing on the brakes, and let the bike’s momentum carry it though the corners. Power out as soon as the road opens up and you are out of the corner.