Just think …. Giant robots , alien technology, awesome disguises , talking cars ….all in a Game. Yes we are talking about Transformers™. Michael Bay has dazzled everyone with a new film , Transformers™: Revenge of the Fallen. Many of the gamers might have seen it by now. But the better part of this is that a game has also been released for it.
Fellow gamers just imagine being a transformer …running around with your cool gadgets and weapons , flying around freely, jumping over giant buildings and lastly transforming into your cool vehicle. Yup.. that’s all in Transformers™ : Revenge of the Fallen Game.
This allows you to be your own favourite transformer and gives you the ability to play from the Autobots or the Decepticons which include 12 Autobots and 11 Decepticons.
All the robots have been made so sleek and shiny that they capture the original look of the movie so nicely. Transforming into different modes has been increased to three different modes. These include vehicle, weapon and mainly the robot mode. Transformations help in reaching places faster too and enable you to do even some cool maneuvers ( Yeah being cool keeps you busy J ).Transforming has been developed so smoothly that one keeps on transforming for no reason…hmmmm.. Addiction? Besides the original story line one can take part in other missions and races too. The enviorement has been made a lot for fun too, where you can roam or destroy a lot of things too..well that would be interesting. Upgrading also has been included , which can be done by doing specific tasks in the mission mode . These would also unlock episodes of the original cartoons and art works too.
Fighting in the game is one of the coolest features of the game. Players now can shoot by locking or using Free-aim (And you get extra points from cool shots , so sharp shooters stay alert!). These ponts are utilized in the overdrive meter which increases your fighting capabilities. Close combat fighting has been evolved too. Now close combat is far more brutal than anything which includes tearing the other robot or destroying its spark. You can also attack a robot during transformation , which is shown in a unique cut scene.
Multiplayer mode is also available in the game now. This would take the players capabilities on a whole new challenge now. All the members of the team play an important role in team battles. Apart from that you totally need strategies to emerge victorious.
Transformers™ : Revenge of the Fallen’s game is by now the widest game ever made for the Transformers™ Franchise and is a must play game for all the fans of the Transformers™ series and the Sci-fi freaks out there . So I would like to say fo this game